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NoroVol1-2(epilogue->Vo11-1) ......


At Yasuura Hospital, it seems that there were various club activities, just like a school. For example, the staff wrote about the tea ceremony club. In retrospect, I am somewhat impressed by the fact that such a place was created in the middle of a very busy workday.
(Omitted) Our tea ceremony club recruited 13 members for the first meeting on October 17th and held it in a friendly atmosphere. The purpose of this department was to explore how it should be as a manner of life necessary for everyday life, and started as a simple department to measure mutual friendship. I believe that it is necessary to analyze and research through the tea ceremony what is called rest, which is the most necessary stability for those of us who are busy with day and night work and family life. (Omitted) (Yumiko Saito, Tea Ceremony Club,from 1st issue)

Rather, the feelings of everyone who welcomes club activities are transmitted. In addition, in considering the emotional education of patients, it seems that they also observed the attempts of other places. for example;
On November 16th, I visited the titled exhibition held at the Shimonoseki City Public Hall. There were canes, sandals, knitted goods, stuffed animals, paintings, etc., but the paintings left the one of biggest impression on me.Just when we had just finished looking at all of them, a member of the Shimonoseki Public Health Center came to us and gave us a comparative explanation of each of the paintings. Currently, when I hear that I can roughly understand the symptoms of the disease by saying that I write roughly on the whole surface of the drawing paper, I am surprised that it appears on the pictures.
I am also aware of ;when I return home and make studying hard about these points. And they would be written,at least one sheet per a month, I had to present those pictures as reference material for follow-up observations to the doctors. So like that,I keenly felt, and did also that it would be better to hold exhibitions of my works under the direction of the hospital director and appeal to the general public to further deepen their understanding and awareness of mental illness. (Chieko Tomoshige, Looking at the exhibition of works by the physically disabled ,from 1st issue)

After I read these sentenses,I astonished that these several staff members traveled to Shimonoseki at that time (1962), where it would not be possible to go as quickly as it is now, and saw various works of people with mental disabilities. In addition to deepening my understanding of mental disorders, I thought that I could apply it to the patients at Yasuura Hospital and use it for observation and reference by doctors.
As a first step to deeply "noticing and putting into practice" how to approach and understand these diseases, it seems to be truly marvelous. This attitude of "awareness and practice" is the educational attitude itself of Montessori education introduced later.